
About Us

The Spanish Fly Spirit is Within Us All

Our Story, Our Promise

For 17 years Jose Wejebe hosted the number one Saltwater fishing show “Spanish Fly”.  Filled with breathtaking underwater footage, spectacular cinematography, state of the art editing and Jose’s signature on-screen style, the show shot to the top of the ratings.

On his show he shared his passion for fishing with his unique style of educating while entertaining. He motivated millions of aspiring anglers around the world. He was more than a TV personality. He was an inspiration to thousands of friends, fans, and followers, creating a passion for the coastal lifestyle that he so loved.

The loss of a man like Jose was heartbreaking to all who loved him. He made anyone he encountered feel that they were special. And to fans around the world, there was a unique connection that he created with a community of people who loved fishing, the ocean, and the overall experience. Jose would have said that he alone was not the Spanish Fly.  Jose shared his lifestyle with everyone he knew and everyone who watched.  He would have wanted this to continue. No matter your location or profession, amateur or professional, if you share the same passion, you have the Spanish Fly spirit within you.

We are all Spanish Fly.